How to Give a Trip to Machu Picchu as a Gift

How to Give a Trip to Machu Picchu as a Gift

Will Machu Picchu fit under your Christmas Tree? Absolutely! Are you looking for a memorable gift for someone special? Giving the gift of travel is a trend that is becoming more popular, especially during the holidays. Perhaps…

How to Use the Bathroom While Hiking the Inca Trail

How to Use the Bathroom While Hiking the Inca Trail

Here's everything you need to know about using the potty during your Inca Trail hike. This information applies to all genders, but perhaps especially females. Honestly, everyone can benefit from knowing what to expect regarding…

Traveling with Grandchildren

Traveling with Grandchildren

Why are grandparents so keen to travel with their grandchildren? With families now separated by distance and living anywhere you can imagine, taking a trip with grandparents is one way for kids to spend quality time with the older…

5 Must-Have Items to Pack for your Trip to Machu Picchu

5 Must-Have Items to Pack for your Trip to Machu Picchu

Whether you’re preparing for Peru’s various microclimates, or looking for advice about how to pack light, you may be wondering what gear is most essential for your trip to South America. Here are 5 travel essentials. And I included…

Can You Get Discounts for Travel to Machu Picchu in the Low Season?

Can You Get Discounts for Travel to Machu Picchu in the Low Season?

Does Machu Picchu Go "On Sale" in the Low Season? The Machu Picchu low season begins in early January after the New Year holidsy are over, and continues to mid March. This coincides with the rainy season in that part of the Andes.…

The Future of Machu Picchu Tours

The Future of Machu Picchu Tours

For various reasons, there have always been rumors about Machu Picchu "closing shop." The grapevine of unreliable comments ebbs and flows depending on . . . who knows what? It might be confusion about the routine closing of the…

Should you Travel to Machu Picchu, Chachapoyas and Kuelap Ruins?

Should you Travel to Machu Picchu, Chachapoyas and Kuelap Ruins?

A new state of the art cable car system has been installed in a small village near Kuelap ruins, with the idea of attracting more visitors to the Chachapoyas Cloud Forest region in northern Peru. The cable car system solves but…

What to Wear?

What to Wear? "Machu Picchu Fashion Week"

Technically, the Peruvian government doesn't give a hoot about your haut couture. The only official decree regarding toggery, is that everyone must be togged. Nudity is explicity prohibited. Aside from that, Machu Picchu is your…

Which Amazon Jungle Lodge is Best for You?

Which Amazon Jungle Lodge is Best for You?

For most people, traveling to South America is a pretty big deal. It's a big deal for me and I've been traveling there for more than 13 years. Many people are interested in exploring one of the most biologically diverse places…

Should You Dine at MIL Restaurant in Sacred Valley Peru?

Should You Dine at MIL Restaurant in Sacred Valley Peru?

If you build it in the middle of nowhere, without public transportation, and charge scandalous prices, will they come? Chef and culinary pioneer Virgilio Martinez is confident they will. Why? Because after launching a successful…