After several months of lots of computer coding, and then more coding, the final NEW Machu Picchu ticketing website is almost ready. But this time, before they launch, the Ministry of Culture is hosting the first round of meetings on May 13 and 14, to get everyone's input. That's right. Everyone except me. They never asked me. But that's ok. The Peru Ministry of Culture invited local tour operators for a little friendly get together on Garcilasa Street in Cusco. This is where the new version of "TuBoleto" entry ticket booking platform is being unveiled and scrutinized by tourism officials before it's put into operation. 

We won't go into the entire story that precipitated the need for another new Machu Picchu website. But here's a quick recap. Last January after the last NEW Machu Picchu TuBoleto website launched with the 3rd party Joinnus platform, protestors gathered on the train tracks in the gateway village of Aguas Calientes and stunk things up for a week. No one could get in to Machu Picchu, which remained open, except 1 guy from a cruise ship who asked Vidal to hike in on foot from the high jungle on the backside of Machu Picchu. That's another fantastic story. Yet to be published!.

Meanwhile, the ministry is doing it right this time. Tourism officials get to kick the tires and test drive this model of the platform before it's released to the public. "Socialization" meetings continue with union representatives and tourist operators in May. Fingers crossed that the Peru officials have read our blog and have full understanding of the current frustrating technical glitches. And. The need for an active team of customer service reps who are available by phone during business hours. I could use some help here!

When is the NEW "Final" Machu Picchu website going to be launched?

The latest intel has pinpointed the launch to sometime in the month of Augst, in the year of our Lord 2024. They finally narrowed it down. Well, kind of. July is beta testing. The URL will stay the same at TUBOLETO.CULTURA.PE   Currently, visitors to the TuBoleto website are redirected to Joinnus website if they want to purchase tickets to Machu Picchu. So. In August, the same TuBoleto website will redirect people to a NEW government controlled website, yet to be revealed, where Machu Picchu tickets will be for sale. Fingers crossed! Adios to Joinnus!

What other changes are happening at Machu Picchu?

Rumors have been confirmed and now we know that new circuits have been implemented at Machu Picchu on June 1, 2024 That's right. They promise the change will enhance the visitor's experience at Machu Picchu. If the current online buying experience is any indication, we're in for a doozy folks! I set up another post about that topic. Brace yourself, then. CLICK HERE