English Translation For Terms and Conditions For Buying Machu Picchu Tickets
In case you don't speak Spanish, or you just can't find that little box with the link to see the official Terms & Conditions for buying Machu Picchu entry tickets, here it is translated into English. Everyone who buys an entry ticket to Machu Picchu on the Joinnus website has to agree to the terms before the transaction is completed. Based on the emails we're getting, either people are not seeing the terms and conditions, or they just can't find them. It is helpful to understand things like refund or change policy before you buy. Of course one of the issues is that the T & C are written in Spanish. This is my unofficial translation just to help you out.
Machu Picchu Terms and Conditions (translated from Spanish to English) for entry tickets in 2024 purchased from Joinnus platform.
Here's the link to the full 13 page document in Spanish. https://cdn.joinnus.com/files/mincu/Terminos-y-Condiciones-Parque-Arqueologico-Nacional-de-Machupicchu.pdf
When you buy your Machu Picchu tickets on the Joinnus website, the box you need to check indicating you accept the terms and conditions is one of the final steps in the process. To start, you'll select your route and date, then move on to enter each visitor's personal information. The system will ask you in a popup window to confirm that you've entered the personal data correctly, then direct you to a page to choose your method of payment. The box to accept the terms and conditions is at the top of that page. We have noticed that the box may be pre-checked by default, and that makes it easy to miss.
My Disclaimer: neither Adios Adventure Travel nor it's employees are agents or representatives of TuBoleto/Joinnus platform or the Machu Picchu Ministry of Culture. We are not responsible for the content, translation or interpretation of the Terms and Conditions contained in this post. This is an unofficial translation and is not meant to represent a legal document. If you have questions about the content, please contact Joinnus or the Ministry of Culture.directly. This content is subject to change. (I found several sloppy errors with the order of the numbered items. I did not correct them. It doesn't appear to affect the layout of the information. It's just bad form for a world-class operation)
(in case you haven't heard, the Ministry is currently building a new virtual platform for buying Machu Picchu tickets. The new platform will be under the total control of the Ministry. The date of completion is not known but is expected to be at least several months)
Here's a list of most asked questions and where to find the answers (quickly) :
- For information regarding ticket refunds and cancellations go to section 6.
- For information regarding ticket refunds in case of closure or force majeure making Machu Picchu unreachable, go to section 9.6
- For contact info, go to section 10.
- For rules and regulations of conduct, go to ANNEX 1
You are visiting the Web Portal (https://tuboleto.cultura.pe), owned by the company Joinnus S.A.C. with R.U.C. No. 20555387785, registered in registration item No. 13121114 (hereinafter, “Joinnus”), who, on behalf of the Ministry of Culture (hereinafter, “Ministry”), will be in charge – in short – of the sales process of the tickets, under the regular online sales modality for entry to the Machu Picchu Sanctuary; as well as the digital issuance of such entries. By completing the purchase, the participant accepts, recognizes and irrevocably undertakes to strictly comply with these ticket sales regulations, the general terms and conditions of use of the tickets, as well as the entry and stay in Machu Picchu.
Therefore, it is a requirement that the participant read, know and accept the scope of this document and, if he or she agrees in all its aspects, begin the process to purchase tickets. The beginning of the ticket purchase process implies the acceptance, without reservation, of
each and every one of the provisions included in this document.
1.1. The purpose of this ticket sale regulation is to regulate the conditions for the sale of tickets for entry to the Sanctuary of Machu Picchu (Hereinafter: Machu Picchu).
1.2. The Ministry - by order - is the sole responsible, administrator and ultimate owner of Machu Picchuy, as such, it has the exclusive right to decide on all issues related to tickets. These refer to prices, available quantities, sales methods, delivery times and other processes that involve the marketing of tickets.
1.3. Joinnus has been hired by the Ministry with the purpose of designing, structuring and carrying out the ticket sales process described in the following lines and which will be offered to the general public for attendance at Machu Picchu, based on the experience of she. Therefore, the Ministry does not establish nor has it developed nor is it responsible for the technological mechanisms that Joinnus decides to implement to carry out the sale of tickets, nor does it manage or be responsible for the conservation of the information. personnel during the development of the sales process.
1.4. The sale of tickets for Machu Picchu will be carried out through regular online sales in accordance with the procedure described in point 4 below. Therefore, it will be necessary for users to create or have a Joinnus account previously at the time of purchase.
1.5. In order to access the purchase of tickets, interested persons must only enter the website http://tuboleto.cultura.pe; Selecting the type of ticket or experience you wish to attend, filling out the web form and following the procedures that can be found on said page for purchasing tickets.
Regarding the scope of Ministerial Resolution No. 000528-2023-MC, which modifies the regulation of sustainable use and tourist visits for the conservation of the Llaqta or Inka City of Machu Picchu; its regulatory and other complementary standards; complying with the contractual and commercial commitments, among others, that the Ministry has, it is reported that:
2.1 For entry to Machu Picchu, the number of tickets on sale will be 4,500 people per day.
2.2 The distribution and number of assigned tickets are determined by the Ministry, in accordance with the legal capacity determined by the authorities.
2.3 Every person who wishes to attend Machu Picchu must have an entry, regardless of their age and/or condition. No one will be allowed entry without a ticket.
2.4 Tickets are personal, nominal and non-refundable. That means that each ticket is valid for only one person and for only one entry; All tickets have the full name and ID number of the person registered by the buyer; Each attendee must enter Machu Picchu with the corresponding ticket and no refund or refund can be made for the tickets purchased in this process under any circumstances, without exception.
2.5 All tickets must be purchased through the portal enabled for sale by the Ministry through Joinnus (https://tuboleto.cultura.pe). If the organization or Joinnus detect tickets acquired through another means, they may cancel said ticket by denying entry to the acquirer. Neither the organization nor Joinnus are responsible for tickets acquired by other means or mechanisms.
3.1 Each participant may request a maximum of five (05) tickets (each ticket valid for one person), through the purchase web form and the process detailed below, which can only be filled out once and where the the user will choose the categories, experiences and quantity they want.
3.2 Only people over eighteen (18) years of age may purchase tickets.
3.3 As indicated in the section of the entry regulations, it is the complete responsibility of the buyer and the attendees that these mandatory measures are complied with. If this is not met, entry to Machu Picchu will be denied and the amount paid for the tickets will be lost, with no claim for them. See details for the complete procedure in Annex 1 of this document.
3.4. It is the user's absolute responsibility to correctly fill the purchase form. The data entered in the process must exactly match those recorded in the registered identity documents. Joinnus or the Ministry have no responsibility for the data entered voluntarily and personally by each user at the time of purchase.
3.5. Only people over 18 years of age and who have a valid National Identity Document (D.N.I.), passport or immigration card number may purchase tickets at the time of purchase. The purchase of all minors under 18 years of age who can be identified by our validation system will be automatically cancelled.
3.6. Peruvian citizens will only be able to purchase by entering their D.N.I. number. registered in RENIEC. Foreign citizens may also register by entering the number of their immigration card if they are residents of Peru or passport. Other documents will not be accepted for the purchase or entry to Machu Picchu. The documents must be valid and current at the time of purchase. Any purchase attempt by the same person with two different identity documents (applying their “dual nationality” or “double documentation”) will automatically invalidate both purchases.
3.7 All those who manipulate or attempt to alter the regular sales procedure, the computer system used, or the purchase process, or the Joinnus platforms, attempting to obtain an unregulated advantage, are automatically excluded from purchasing or using the tickets. in this regulation.
3.8 Only people who register a credit or debit card enabled and active for online purchases and on the Joinnus platform, with sufficient balance and available on the day of purchase and collection, for the purposes of making purchases may only purchase tickets to be collected by Joinnus at the time of purchase. Besides, when enabled, people will be able to pay with the cash payment system, online banking and at a physical point.
3.9 Purchases through cash payment systems may incur extra expenses for the user, in addition to the cost of the tickets.
3.10 The purchase of tickets by any other method not indicated in point 3.8 is completely prohibited in addition to any other payment method not indicated in the aforementioned point.
3.11 Neither Joinnus nor the Ministry can guarantee that all payment methods are enabled at the time of purchase. This is because Joinnus uses security methods and systems for online purchases, which may mean that certain payment methods are not enabled according to analysis of these security systems.
4.1 The web form for purchase (hereinafter the “Form”), which Joinnus has developed and makes available to the public through the website https://tuboleto.cultura.pe is the only means by which which a person can use to purchase one or more tickets (up to a maximum of 05 tickets in total).
4.2 The Form is expressly used to record the purchase made. For this, the following information will be requested from the buyer – owner of the purchase:
- Full names as they appear on the identity document.
- Cell phone
- Type of identity document and its numbers
- Email
- Number of credit card or debit card
- Card expiration month and year
- Credit card verification code (CVV)
- Cardholder Name
- Number and type of identity document of the cardholder
4.3. Forms and purchase requests that:
4.3.1. They have not been filled out correctly or with incorrect characters.contemplated in Latin American Spanish (all fields of the Form are required)
4.3.2 They have not declared that they have read the terms and conditions for the purchase of tickets under the ticket purchase conditions.
4.3.3. Have inaccurate or false data.
4.3.4. The data appearing in the application does not correspond exactly to the data in the registered identity document.
4.3.5. When requested, they have the wrong DNI verification number or it does not match the one registered in the RENIEC
4.3.6. They have been filled out by people who are disqualified from entering Machu Picchu according to what has been determined by the competent authorities.
4.3.7. They have been filled out by people who do not have a valid DNI or immigration card or passport at the time of purchase.
4.3.8. From people who carry out improper manipulations, violate the Joinnus security systems in general or misuse them.
4.3.9. Contain inaccurate or incorrect credit or debit card data entered into the system involuntarily or on purpose.
4.3.10. The same person has sent the form twice with two different types and/or numbers of identity documents.
4.3.11. Not all the processes necessary for a satisfactory purchase have been completed.
4.3.12. The card has not been accepted by our system to make the corresponding charge for the purchase of tickets.
4.3.13. Forms that have not been filled out by people over 18 years of age.
4.4.14. Any operational, systematic or computer manipulation of the Joinnus purchasing system has been identified.
4.4.15 There is a presumption of identity theft or some other presumably illegal situation.
4.5 Joinnus will not accept any purchases other than those made and received through the web form or on dates other than those indicated.
4.6 The buyer accepts and acknowledges that filling out the Form with personal information and credit or debit card information for the purchase process implies acceptance of the purchase condition not subject to return or refund, even if any of the following conditions arise. the cases described in point 4.3.
4.7 The buyer agrees that he is solely responsible for the information entered at the time of purchasing the tickets.
4.8 The buyer is solely responsible for transferring all the information in this document to the people attending Machu Picchu, as well as for any additional instructions that Joinnus or the Ministry may provide.
5.1 The participant must enter, during the purchase process, the details of a credit or debit card enabled for online purchases; In addition, it must have an available balance and be enabled or active at the time Joinnus proceeds to make the payment. If the payment is not processed due to non-compliance with the specifications indicated above, the purchase is automatically canceled permanently and without grounds for claims. Joinnus and/or the Ministry are not responsible for any inconvenience that occurs with the credit or debit card entered and that prevents the payment of the ticket(s); either due to failures in the issuing bank's system, due to alleged electronic fraud, or for any other cause that prevents the satisfactory collection of tickets.
5.2 The use of credit or debit cards is allowed: VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS AND DINERS. As long as these are enabled for online purchases through the issuing bank's system or the payment gateways used for collection.
5.3 For the cash payment process, the payment system will be used by generating unique payment codes (called CIP codes). The cash payment method is subject to evaluation by the Event Organizer, not guaranteeing the activation of said method at any time during the process.
5.4 The user who requests to pay using the cash payment method (JoinnusPay or PagoEfectivo method) will have a maximum of 5 hours to make the payment at the establishments indicated in the process. After having made the payment, the Joinnus system will take up to 6 hours to verify this payment and will proceed to notify the user about the receipt of the payment as long as the user has previously entered the contact information in the system to proceed to issue the tickets on the portal.
5.5 If the user has not made the payment on time and the CIP (Payment Code) has expired, the user must carry out the purchase process again, losing the reservation made at the time of the first purchase attempt. In this case, Joinnus does NOT guarantee that the buyer will be able to find tickets available or at the same cost.
5.6 Collection of tickets by Joinnus will be automatic in most cases, however in certain circumstances it may take up to 48 hours to complete. The user must take this point into consideration when deciding when to purchase.
5.7 If at the time of processing the amount of the tickets, the card does not have a balance or presents any observation, the user must enter another card. It is the user's obligation to verify that their card has sufficient balance to make the purchase or is enabled for purchases on our portal.
5.8 Tickets are personal, nominative and non-refundable.
61 All ticket sales are final. The person who purchases, possesses or uses a ticket will not be able to choose to cancel the purchase or return the tickets after the conclusion of the purchase process.
6.2 The participant may not cancel a purchase or terminate the ticket sales agreement or return the tickets or request a refund. respective, after the conclusion of the sale.
6.3 Without prejudice to the failure to present the documentation for entry to Machu Picchu, the purchasing owner cannot request reimbursement or cancellation of the collection of the same as a result of the sale. Because it is the complete responsibility of the user/participant to verify the status of their purchase in the system.
7.1 Joinnus will accept payment only through VISA, Mastercard, American Express and Diners credit or debit cards.
7.2 Banking or other fees and interest arising from payment with a credit or debit card will be borne exclusively by the participant.
7.3 Given the nature and organization of the sale of tickets to Machu Picchu, and due, in particular, to the time limitations that arise from this, the buyer undertakes to procure the amount necessary for Joinnus to make the corresponding charges for the requested tickets.
7.4 In that sense, not having a sufficient amount at the time of collection will result in the cancellation of the purchase, without the possibility of resuming the process.
7.5 Payments cannot be made after the official collection time, described in the sales procedure.
7.6 Joinnus will not grant the buyer any additional time to pay all or part of the price of the tickets.
7.7 The payment will be made in a single installment unless the system indicates it, and it is the responsibility of the buyer to verify with their bank everything related to the purchase payments.
7.8 Neither Joinnus nor the Ministry issue invoices for tickets purchased through regular online sales.
7.9 Payment methods in cash or through bank transfers, such as JoinnusPay and Pagofectivo, have an additional surcharge to the amount of the tickets. This amount will be indicated in the payment process and may vary without prior notice.
8.1 To make the purchase of tickets to Machu Picchu, the buyer is obliged to provide their personal data, as indicated on the purchase form.
8.2 The buyer acknowledges and accepts that the personal data provided to Joinnus according to these regulations will be used, processed, stored and transferred to the Ministry, in compliance with current laws, for purposes related to:
a) Ticket allocation and sale procedures
b) All relevant security measures
c) Measures to protect rights related to the visit to Machu Picchu
8.3 The buyer acknowledges and accepts that personal data provided to Joinnus in accordance with these regulations may also be used to inform the participant about other future Joinnus products and events, as well as about products or services of Joinnus commercial affiliates. In addition, it also implies that the participant is being added to the Joinnus database.
Joinnus assumes no responsibility for:
9.1. Technical errors, such as failures of equipment or computer programs, or failures of the internet or printing equipment used by the participant to connect to the Joinnus platform.
9.2. The inability of the participant to connect to the website http://tuboleto.cultura.pe to check the status of your purchase or make the purchase.
9.3. The delay or total or partial impossibility of making payment by the buyer under any circumstances.
9.4. The security block by our collection system for various reasons established to avoid fraud that prevents continuing with the purchase on a regular basis.
9.5. Due to failures in the purchasing process caused by processes, problems or errors in the system of the bank issuing the credit card for reasons not attributable to Joinnus, or due to processes, problems in the system or platform of the companies in charge of providing electronic means payment, such as Visa, MasterCard or similar.
9.6 If access to Machu Picchu is canceled due to any cause, including those due to chance or force majeure, there will be no right to make claims for returns or refunds against Joinnus. In this case, the Ministry will have a period of 90 days from the stipulated date of the event to establish the modality and time for the refund of the amount to the buyer, if applicable.
9.7 The validity of a ticket purchased through other means than through the official website https://tuboleto.cultura.pe
Members of the general public should direct all requests for information regarding tickets and this document to the following email: [email protected]
11.1 Entry Control:
The visiting public must show their ticket(s) digitally or physically under the instructions indicated by Joinnus, which will be verified by the latter at the time of entry. The information issued at the entrance must be in accordance with what is required by Law. Likewise, they must also accept the terms and conditions established for the visit which is expressed in Annex 1 of this document and, in addition, among which are the measures of
basic coexistence, compliance with biosafety protocol and general coexistence measures at a health level due to COVID-19.
11.2 The visiting public must present their ticket, DNI, Passport or valid, original, physical immigration card. Without exceptions.
12.1. The ticket holder is responsible for ensuring his own personal safety in Machu Picchu and that of minors or other people without legal capacity to act or with limited capacity who accompany him ("dependent person"), and accepts all risks or dangers that the ticket holder or dependent person could run or suffer when attending Machu Picchu, and waive any claim against Joinnus and the Ministry related to such risks and dangers. The ticket holder (on his own behalf and on behalf of his dependents) accepts and acknowledges that there are risks to his personal safety and risk of loss of personal belongings, both on the way to or from, and in and outside the Macchu Picchu.
12.2 Every person who attends Machu Picchu declares that they do so under their own responsibility and risk, therefore releasing the Ministry and Joinnus from any type of legal responsibility in the event of any damage that may be caused as a consequence of their visit. Nothing in these general terms and conditions is intended to limit or exclude rights that cannot be waived by the ticket holder in accordance with applicable law.
12.3. Each of the entities that are part of the organization of the visit to Machu Picchu have their own tasks and responsibilities. Each entity is responsible for its own acts and omissions.
13. UNFORESEEN (I believe the following items are incorrectly numbered)
19.1 The ticket holder accepts that the Ministry is authorized, but not obliged, to totally or partially cancel, interrupt, change the time or date of entry to Machu Picchu due to force majeure or other reasons.
19.2. Temporary "force majeure" causes include earthquakes, floods or other natural disasters, wars, invasions, actions of foreign enemies, hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil wars or internal strife, riots, states of national emergency, epidemics or other declared public health emergency situations, fires, explosions, acts of terrorism, uprisings, theft of essential equipment, damage premeditated actions, strikes, lockouts or other collective disputes, closures of land or air transportation routes or traffic, court orders, acts of governments or other national authorities, as well as any other similar or related event that is beyond the control of the Ministry or from another competent authority.
19.3. Other applicable reasons are, for example, the protection of the integrity of the Cultural Heritage in any possible case.
19.4. If access to Machu Picchu is canceled or suspended; The entry will be canceled and the Ministry will indicate, through the means it deems necessary, the procedure it deems necessary with respect to the entries.
19.7. Where the ticket purchaser is entitled to a refund, the refund will be limited to the price paid to Ministry for the ticket, it does not include other types of expenses incurred by the purchaser. Only the BUYER whose name appears on the purchase form will have the right to request a refund.
19. Miscellaneous matters
19.1. If any provision of these regulations or the application form is declared null, void or inapplicable by a competent court, the other provisions of these regulations or the application form will remain valid, as if the provision were void, void or not applicable. applicable is not part of its content.
19.2. The applicable laws, these regulations and the application form will be governed exclusively by the laws of Peru
Rules for visitors to Machupicchu
Dear visitors
The rules that you must observe during your visit to Machupicchu are contemplated in the “Regulations of sustainable use and tourist visits for the conservation of the Llaqta or Inka City of Machupicchu”, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 070-2017-MC. Below are the main rules:
Article 15.
Entrance ticket
The entry ticket is valid only for the date and time it was acquired, the change of date or name of the device is not permitted. holder of the entry ticket. Exceptionally, in the event of an error material, only the change of the passport number and the national identity document number.
Refunds or returns
The DDC-Cusco will not give refunds or returns unless situations of force majeure that prevent the arrival and entry of visitors to the Llaqta of Machupicchu.
Article 15-A.
Entry time
The entry time to each circuit is the one stated on your entrance ticket. There is a tolerance of thirty (30) minutes for entry to the Llaqta of Machupicchu. After this period, The visitor cannot enter the Llaqta de Machupicchu, except for reasons of force majeure or fortuitous event duly demonstrated.
Article 17.
Documents necessary to enter the Llaqta
To enter the Llaqta of Machupicchu, visitors must have your entry ticket and official identification document. Valid documents for foreign visitors are your passport, immigration card, diplomatic card or DNI for those citizens of the CAN and MERCOSUR. The students of origin foreigner up to the undergraduate level must identify themselves with their valid original ID or proof, your passport or visa respective grant granted by the consulate, Embassy of Peru or by the National Immigration Superintendency. The valid document for Peruvian visitors is their original DNI. If they are students up to the undergraduate level, the Visitors must present their current card issued by the SUNEDU or by the Ministry of Education.
Aritcle 19. (which I believe should be labeled 18.)
Objects not allowed in the Llaqta of Machupicchu It is not allowed to enter, carry or use the objects that detailed below, except in the cases authorized in the regulation:
- Food and household items.
- Animals.
- Aerosol sprays.
- Portable seats.
- Banners, signs or posters.
- Alcoholic beverages, drugs or illegal substances.
- Baby carts/strollers. (Baby carriers without frames are permitted.
- Musical instruments, megaphones or speakers.
- Umbrellas and parasols.
- Sharp objects and/or weapons of any type.
- Heels or hard-soled shoes. (Only shoes or sports shoes with soft or rubber soles).
- Clothing intended for advertising purposes
Article 19.
Behaviors not allowed in the Llaqta of Machupicchu. The following behaviors are not allowed or behaviors:
- Feed the domestic or wild animals of the Llaqta.
- Throwing waste of any kind.
- Causing tumult, jumping and/or generating disorder inside the Llaqta.
- Driving on unestablished circuits or routes.
- Get naked and/or dress up.
- Smoking or vaping.
- Enter with canes with metal or hard tips. (Allowed rubber-tip canes for people with disabilities or old age).
- Disturb, collect, extract native flora or fauna and/or elements cultural.
- Carry backpacks, bags or purses larger than 40 x, 35 x 20 centimeters.
- Carry tripods, stands or heavy extensions for cameras or cell phones, except in cases authorized within the framework of the first final complementary provision of the present regulation.
- Light or spread any type of fire.
- Climb or lean on walls and/or structures and/(*)NOTE SPIJ extract lithic elements.
- Use virtual applications in narrow arteries and places of congestion.
- Performing obscene acts contrary to morality and good traditions.
- Make any type of graffiti.
- Carry out activities that distort the sacred nature of the Llaqta such as fashion shows, dances, social engagements and ceremonies of any type, except in authorized cases within the framework of the first final complementary provision of the this regulation.
- Carry out any type of activity that involves the impairment or deterioration of the monument, its natural environment and/or facilities.
- Carry out ambulatory commerce inside the Llaqta and spaces surroundings to the ruined bridge.
- Make films or photographs for advertising purposes. (It is allowed to film or photograph for promotional purposes, in the framework of the first final complementary provision of this regulation).
- Make loud or annoying noises such as clapping, shouting, whistling, singing, or anything that disturb the tranquility and sacred character of the Llaqta.
- Perform overflights with paragliders, drones or any type of smaller aircraft.
Failure to comply with these provisions generates withdrawal immediate information of visitors, tourists, tour guides and any another person with the support of the competent authorities.
Article 20.
Immediate removal of visitors
Failure to comply with the provisions contained in the regulations, in articles 28 and 43 of the General Tourism Law and the related regulations determine the immediate withdrawal of the visitors to the Llaqta of Machu Picchu, without the right to a refund of the amount of the entry ticket. The DDC-Cusco begins the appropriate legal actions and, if applicable, notify the attorney general's office of the Ministry of Culture. In the case of tourist service providers, additionally as indicated in the preceding paragraph, the DDC-Cusco informs the Regional Management of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Cusco GERCETUR-Cusco the transgression of the regulations before mentioned in order to evaluate the initiation of a procedure sanctioning administrative. This fact is also communicated to the corresponding Professional College of Graduates in Tourism to adopt the respective actions. Additionally, the DDC Cusco communicates this fact to the Institute National Defense of Competition and Protection of Intellectual Property (INDECOPI) to act within the framework of their powers.
Regulations for sustainable use and tourist visits for the conservation of the Llaqta or Inka City of Machupicchu, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 070-2017-MC
It can be obtained at the following link:
Modification of the Regulation of sustainable use and tourist visits for the conservation of the Llaqta or Inka City of Machupicchu, approved by Ministerial Resolution No. 000528-2023-MC
It can be obtained at the following link:
Conditions of Use of the Ticket
The reservation tickets will only be valid on the date and time that appear on the ticket, therefore, no one will be allowed to enter the Machupicchu llaqta.visitor with tickets on dates other than those established on the ticket.