No matter how fit and ready you are to hike the high altitude trails in Peru, active travelers of all ages will enjoy, and even benefit from these training hikes near Cusco and the Sacred Valley. This is the perfect way to explore the Inca sites near Cusco while acclimatizing for any multi-day trek. Anyone can do these day hikes. You don't have to be training for the Inca Trail. 

Here's two hikes on the outskirts of Cusco.

The first hike Includes English-speaking tour guide and 1 way transport from any hotel in the city center to the beginning of the hike. You can buy your entry tickets on site. Or let us know if you would like us to buy them in advance.

#1 Cusco Historical Outskirts Hike 4-5 hours / 4 miles downhill

8:30AM. After breakfast in your hotel. Adios tour guide will meet you at your hotel to begin the 15 minute drive to the ruins of Tambomachay, where you enjoy a short walk to see the ancient Inca royal baths. After exploring the fountains, you walk across the street to Pukapukara, a military outpost and the first defense of Cusco. From there you begin walking through an Andean village, small farms and pasturesm about 1 hour, to the ruins of Qenqo, a site of mysterious caves and an altar where it is believed the Incas mummified their dead. Then walk about 15 minutes to Sacsayhuaman, one of the most significant archaeological legacies of the Incas. Due to the complexity of the layout of the massive blocks of stone, some bigger than a car, it is said that the construction of Sacsayhuaman lasted more than 50 years and employed over 20,000 men. During the tour, you will enjoy impressive views of Cusco. 

The second hike does not require any entry tickets. Includes English-speaking tour guide and roundtrip transport from your hotel in Cusco.

#2 Cusco San Sebastian Inkilltambo Hike 4-5 hours 

8:30AM. After breakfast in your hotel. Adios tour guide will meet you at your hotel to begin the 30 minutes drive south to San Sebastian neighborhood where you being 1 hour / 30 minutes on foot with minimal elevation gain (300 ft.) Spend 30 minutes exploring these little known Inca ruins with your private tour guide before you hike back to the car, then return to your hotel in the center.

What makes these hikes great?

  • There's very little elevation gain. It's not necessary to be fully acclimatized to the altitude
  • it's close to the Cusco city center. It's a short 15-30 minute drive to the beginning of each hike. 
  • It's a great way to test your gear before you begin your multi-day trek
  • while you're acclimatizing you can explore historical Inca sites 
  • it's easy to buy entry tickets at the entrance to Tambomachay. 

The routes are not marked, so it's recommended that travelers use a local tour guide who is licensed to conduct guided tours at the historiccal sites.

For travelers who have the time to spend a full day in the Sacred Valley, here are 2 hikes that include full day transportation and tour guide. You can return to your hotel in Cusco after the hikes, or you can continue to the village of Ollantaytambo.

#1 Sacred Valley Pisac Archaeological Site + Optional Pachamanca Feast in the Home of a Qechua Family / Full Day / 3-4 Hours Hiking 

8:30AM Adios driver and tour guide guide will pick up from the hotel in Cusco and begin driving to the village of Pisac home of the famous market as well as one of the lesser known archaeological gems of the Sacred Valley. Continue past the village and up to the parking area past sweeping agricultural terraces. The car parks and you prepare for 2-3 hour hike beginning with a short walk to the Inca cemetery where you see hundreds of holes in the mountain. Continue on the trail for another 20-30 minutes until you reach the first residential structure. Further down is the stunning temple complex constructed from exquisitely carved pink granite, featuring a sun temple, ceremonial altars, water channels and wells. After some time to enjoy the setting you can choose to hike down many stone steps to the village, or back to the car and drive to the village to explore the street market and enjoy refreshments in a local cafe of your choice. 

Instead of the visit to the village, we can substitute a drive to a Quechua farm for an authentic Pachamanca feast.  After the luncheon, it's about 1 hour by car to return to your your hotel in Cusco, or you can drive 1.5 hours to your hotel in the village of Ollantaytambo if you plan to hike the Inca Trail or take the train to Machu Picchu the next day. CLICK HERE to see a video on our Youtube channel, where you can meet the family. 

#2 Sacred Valley Day Hike to Hidden Waterfalls and Unknown Inca Ruins 6-7 hours

 The word "Perolniyoc" means something like "the site with a pan below the waterfall" in the oral Qechua language, making this the perfect destination for would-be explorers looking for a little adventure. What do you get when you combine a myth about hidden Inca gold with a hike to a secluded waterfall and mysterious unknown Inca ruins? You get an amazing step back in time to a lost world where the mysteries of living in ancient times can only be imagined.

 8:30AM an Adios Adventure Travel tour guide and driver will pick you up from your hotel in Cusco or the Sacred Valley and begin a 1 hour/40 minute drive to a small village where the van will park. It takes about  2 hours to hike to the 2 waterfalls and up to the ruins. It takes about 1 hour to hike back to the van. From there you will drive back to your hotel in Cusco or the Sacred Valley.  The total time needed is about 6-7 hours.
With a modest elevation gain of 1500 ft. the maximum elevation is 12,100 ft. It takes about 45 minutes to hike to the first waterfall, then continue another 30 minutes to the top of the Inca site. The ruins are located on a prominent knob overlooking the valley. The return hike is about an hour mostly downhill. Option to bring a picnic lunch. Return to your hotel in Cusco or it's only a short 15 minutes drive to the village of Ollantaytambo.

What makes these hikes great?

  • these 2hikes in the Sacred Valley are a little more strenuous than the Cusco outskirts hikes. Doing the Cusco hikes with the Sacred Valley hikes is the perfect progression for people preparing for strenuous multi-day treks
  • it's a great way to explore the historical sites while you acclimatize to the altitude
  • it's a great way to test your gear before you begin your multi-day trek
  • Pisac and Perolniyoc are both convenient for travelers planning to hike the Inca Trail or take the train to Machu Picchu from the village of Ollantaytambo
  • it's easy to buy entry tickets at the entrance to Pisac Archaeological Park
  • Pisac training hike can be combined with a fantastic and authentic gastronomicl experience

All hikes are private. To set up any of these day hikes, here's what we need to know:

  • how many people are in your group and what are their ages?
  • name and address of your hotel in Cusco where our team will pick you up. 
  • what hike do you want to do?
  • what date do you want to hike?

If you have questions, please ask. [email protected] or call our office in Virginia 757-270-9293