With the equivalent of the library of congress in that little device you hold in your hand, not to mention your laptop or desktop computer, it's not surprising that people in the modern age are overwhelmed with information. Do we have too many choices? How do you distill the vast quantity of information available (about anything!) down to a useful amount? For instance, when you travel, how do you decide where to travel,when to travel, what to see and do when you get there? Where you will stay? How much will it cost? How to compare the options for different services including accommodations, transportation & guides?

What is happening in Peru after covid? Follow this link to see our Machu Picchu News page.


It's no wonder people are overwhelmed and don't know where to start. Others seem to enjoy the searching process and will painstakingly dig through websites, blogs and travel forums to discover the tiniest nugget about that special, hidden waterfall that no one else knows about. For some it's an enjoyable process and the information gleened is only half the reason for doing it. Fortunately, it is also possible to book an affordable all-inclusive tour to Machu Picchu and take the struggle out of planning your next trip.

As someone who plans and organizes trips for a living, let me tell you that no two all-inclusive tours are exactly alike. That's because tours are made up of people and everyone is different. Tours with the exact same itinerary will be meaningful to different people in different ways. This is why we travel. Certainly, we share a collective experience, but the meaning varies from person to person.

What you should know about all-inclusive customized trips: 

  • you save on many nickel & dime expenses that add up and come out of your pocket while traveling. May include airport transfers, taxis or entry fees to sites.
  • once you set foot in your destination, your vacation is carefree. Let someone else worry about the train or bus being on time, or the room being ready.
  • many tours will include guide services which can enhance your trip and provide insight into local customs and stories that you don't get from the guy with the microphone in the front of the bus.

Questions to ask before you decide which trip itinerary is best for you: 

  • is it a private tour or a group tour? (the quoted price might be a good indicator) 
  • what size is the group? (after covid, all our trips will be private. You will not travel with other people. Here's a link to more info)
  • what is the youngest or oldest age allowed? (usually the activities you choose will determine the answer to this)
  • what is not included in the package? 

All-inclusive tours to Machu Picchu may not be right for everyone, but they are one of the many choices travelers have when deciding how to get to Machu Picchu and what to do when they arrive.  Contact our US office if you're ready to find out more about Machu Picchu tours.